Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Day in the Life of Clarinda

November 7: A day in your life

These posts are kind of fun! I wrote one just over a year ago, but my life has changed A LOT since then.

My work days now look a little like this.

5:00 Alarm goes off.
Check my phone for any important updates.
Get out of bed and feed Sallie.
Dress for a run/workout (unless it's a REST day).
Run or workout for an hour or so. (blog, catch up on Social Media, watch TV if it's a rest day)
Eat breakfast.
7:30 jump in the shower. (7:00, if I'm planning on biking to work.)
8:00 head to work. (7:30ish, if I'm biking.)
8:30 clock into work.
Enter orders, run reports, put out fires, etc.
1:00ish Eat lunch
30 minutes later... Back to work.
5:00 punch out and head home.
Make dinner and watch TV with Jeff.
9:00 head to bed.
Make sure my alarm is still set for the morning. Catch up on social media.

My weekends are a little more flexible. I usually try to go for a long run on Saturdays, so I can rest and relax on Sundays.

Is your day similar or very different from mine?

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  1. Ugh 5am wake up! I am up at 6:30 and wish I could sleep longer;) Busy girl!

    1. Oh I definitely wouldn't mind sleeping in later, but I do love my quiet mornings. Plus when I try to putting working out off until after work, it rarely happens.

  2. Mine is pretty same routine but it starts from 5.45am to 10pm on weekdays. Weekend will be different.
